About Unified Fire Authority
Unified Fire Authority (UFA) is Utah’s largest fire agency with 695 employees serving an estimated 473,921 residents in 15 municipalities and unincorporated Salt Lake County. The UFA provides service to all unincorporated areas of Salt Lake County and one municipality (Eagle Mountain) is located in Utah County.
After every call, we move quickly to clean up and reset; not just because we take pride in our work, but because lives depend on it. We need to be ready to roll at a moment’s notice for the next emergency. Properly cleaning and storing our hoses, gear, and equipment ensures they stay in top condition, keeping both firefighters and the community safe. Plus, a clean firehouse is a functional firehouse; staying organized means we can respond faster when every second counts.
#firefighterlife #firstresponder #alwaysready #firedept #firefighting #emergencyresponse #firestationlife #heroesatwork #oncall24_7 #stayprepared

Exciting news! 🚒 We have three brand-new Engines that are now in service for Stations 101, 102, and 123! Ready to serve and protect with the latest equipment 💪
#community #utah #fire #daily #photography #firefighter #fireengine #firstresponder #firefighting #saltlake

Have you ever seen one of our Heavy Rescue rigs on the road and wondered, “What’s that mean?”
We have two Heavy Rescue units that operate out of stations 117 (Taylorsville) and 121 (Riverton). These firefighters have learned and been certified in additional technical rescue techniques beyond basic firefighting responsibilities. These include:
-vehicle and machinery extrication
-structural collapse
-confined space
-trench collapse
-rope rescue
-rapid intervention (firefighter rescue)
These images show both training and on scene incidents from our crews, who are always prepared for whatever situation is placed in front of them.
#heavyrescue #fire #firefighter #structuralcollapse #confinedspace #trenchcollapse #extrication #roperescue #firedept

ME 117 and units from South Salt Lake Fire and Murray Fire responded to this fire near the Jordan River. The fire was quickly contained with no damages to surrounding structures.
Although we have received moisture over this last week and temperatures have remained cold, unattended fires can become a problem.
Here are a few campfire tips to remember:
1. Check local fire restrictions to ensure you can build a fire in any given location.
2. Build a fire in a designated area using a fire pit or ring.
3. Keep the fire small and under control.
4. Never leave the fire unattended.
5. Make sure the fire is completely out before leaving.
Following these simple tips can ensure that you and your crew safely enjoy your camp fire. And who doesn’t love a good camp fire?
#campfire #firesafety #fire #unifiedfireauthority #southsaltlakefiredepartment #murrayfiredepartment #taylorsvilleutah #southsaltlakecity #murraycity

Join us!!! Support the U of U Burn Camp on May 10 in Kaysville by running with firefighters and other first responders!
We want you to be there with us!
You can join our team by:
-clicking the link in our bio
-click Burn Camp 5K registration
-click the blue register button
-select your race (5K or 1 mile)
-click the blue create/join team button
-click blue register teammate button
-click team name drop down and select Unified Fire Authority
Thank you and see you May 10!
#uofuburncamp #uofu #utah #5k #fire #firefighter #firedept #race

Camp 59 Week 7 is in the books. The two groups are back together and working together refining their skills.
#fire #ufacamp59 #firefighter

Meet Dr. Graham Brant-Zawadzki, UFA’s Chief Medical Officer
Dr. BZ oversees all medical care provided by UFA, ensuring our EMS protocols meet the highest industry standards and that care is delivered safely and effectively. He also manages UFA’s Controlled Substances Program, maintaining compliance with state and federal regulations.
Contracted through the University of Utah, Dr. BZ brings a wealth of medical expertise to UFA, leading education programs like quarterly case reviews, airway academies, and cardiac academies. His consistent presence and dedication help ensure our team delivers the best possible pre-hospital care to the community.
Seen here, he is leading a medical training session with field members, sharing his knowledge and hands-on experience to keep our responders at the top of their game.
#emsleadership #fireservice #medicaldirector #firstresponder #communitycare #emergencymedicin #firefightertraining #publicsafety #unifiedfireauthority #healthcarehero #universityofutah #uofu #utahutes

A little throwback on a Thursday. Did you know Unified Fire Authority used to operate under the title of Salt Lake County Fire, which was formed in 1921? SL County Fire provided emergency services to unincorporated Salt Lake County, in addition to multiple contract cities.
The contract cities did not have an opportunity to have a voice when budget, administrative or department wide decisions were made.
As a result, in 2003 mayors and city councils voted to form a new fire district which would act as a quasi governmental agency and UFA began operations in 2004.
Today UFA is Utah’s largest fire department, serving nearly 500,000 residents in 15 different municipalities, responding out of 26 stations. UFA employs nearly 700 individuals with 493 being full time sworn firefighters, 58 full time civilian employees, 90 part time EMS providers, and 40 seasonal Wildland firefighters.
Thank you for allowing us to be your Fire and EMS providers!
#throwbackthursday #saltlakecounty #fire #firedept #firefighter #ems